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Household Food Waste for householders

There are household food waste regulations which make it law that householders must separate their food waste from their normal waste.

Food waste must be either:

  • placed in a household food waste bin provided by the waste collector,
  • brought to a recycling centre 
  • or certain food waste such as fruits and vegetables can be home composted. Please remember that food such as meats, fish, bones, dairy products etc. are not suitable for home composting.


The household food waste receptacle is for all types of food waste including meats, fish, bones, dairy products, soups, etc. As a householder you must separate your food waste from your normal waste and ensure that food waste is not placed in the rubbish or disposal bin.


Watch the Brown Bin Video.


If you currently home compost you should continue to do so and use the brown bin for waste such as meats, fish, bones, dairy products which are not suitable for home composting.


What food waste can I put in the Household Food Waste Bin?

The variety of food waste which can be deposited within the receptacle varies with the collector that provides it. Please ensure that you contact your chosen waste collector to ensure that the correct materials are being deposited.


Am I entitled to a Household Food Waste Bin?

 If you live within an agglomeration with a population of more than 500 people, you are entitled to a household food waste bin. Said agglomerations of the entire country can be found here.


If you require more information contact your local waste collector, visit, visit or contact Donegal County Council's Environment Section on (074) 91 53900

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